Friday, October 25, 2013

Two words for the week . . .

Test and research. Other than work, that's what my week has been all about. Monday night was the test over the methodology presentations in my research class, followed Tuesday night by the usual chapter test in Human Growth and Development. Wednesday morning was my makeup test for last week's chapter test in HG&D. Since all that's over, I've been working on research.

Last night, I was looking up articles for my research proposal in the research class. I found some articles that I think may work, but I was having a lot of trouble finding the right search criteria for my topic. My question is "How does moving from a small elementary school to a large middle school effect student behavior?" I found lots of info on small schools vs. big schools and whether middle school/junior high should even exist. Today, I finally messaged Dr. L for suggestions. I don't know why I never thought last night to use the term "transitioning", but I'll check it tomorrow.

Tonight it was time for some research on my topic for my HG&D research paper, causes of the downward aging of menarche (a girl's first period) in America. I was able to print eight articles before my black ink cartridge went out. I'm on hold until tomorrow. I guess that's a good thing. I just realized it's a little after midnight. I have to be at work at 8:30 am. At least it's finally Friday.

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